about YIC
To develop children’s life skills by inspiring them to create with technology
Young Innovators Challenge (YIC) is an annual program aiming to catalyse maker movement throughout secondary schools. In this program, students are supported by their teachers, mentors, and program organiser, to solve real-life problems using open-source embedded systems and software. Students will have the opportunity to develop projects they are passionate about. This will be a learning journey that nurtures their life skills.


Originally envisaged as a competition, the Young Innovators Challenge (YIC) has become a program where students embark on a journey where they learn and apply the technologies that enable IR4.0.

YIC has opened doors for students from all background (and from across Malaysia) to discover their abilities to identify and solve real-life problems, and to communicate their ideas to others.

What sets YIC apart from other competition is that selected teams have the opportunity to have their projects adopted by communities.
For example, an all-girls team from SAM Jeram in rural Selangor emerged as the 2017’s winner with their portable microscope project, Mykroscope. They were the first in the country to register their project as an open-sourced hardware. With the help of Yayasan Sime Darby, 2,000 units of Mykroscope were distributed to 200 schools in Malaysia.
Students from YIC continue applying their learning beyond the program.
Yayasan Sime Darby (YSD) or the Sime Darby Foundation is the main philanthropic arm of Sime Darby Plantation Berhad, Sime Darby Property Berhad, and Sime Darby Berhad. Over the years, the Foundation has expanded its wings from offering scholarships to outstanding and deserving individuals to funding impactful conservation, outreach, and development programmes.

The Foundation is governed by an esteemed Council and is managed by a dedicated team to carry out impactful work. YSD practices high ethical values and observe good corporate governance.

YSD has spent more than 30 years charting breakthroughs in the corporate philanthropic sphere.

YSD offers sponsorships to registered organisations that are dedicated towards projects which share its vision and mission across the five pillars: Education, Environment, Community & Health, Sports, and Arts & Culture.