AI For Social Good

Use artificial intelligence to tackle a real-world problem faced by an everyday hero* of choice within your own community.**

Students are required to identify a pressing issue and develop an AI-powered solution that creates a meaningful change.

Students should also take into consideration how their solutions can be scaled up to have a larger impact on the wider community. Possible focus areas include health, environment, education, safety, mass communication, etc. 

Your solution must consist of open-source microcontroller (for example, Arduino, Raspberry Pi) and/or developed with open-source software (for example, App Inventor, IDE, Python).

*An everyday hero is an ordinary person who has dedicated their life to helping others or does not hesitate to provide help to those in need. 

**A community is a group of people who share something in common. You can define a community by the shared attributes of the people in it and/or by the strength of the connections among them. E.g.: Your school, family, village, neighbourhood, sports clubs, religious group, gamer etc

some EVeryday heroes






Construction Manager

Important Dates and Events

*Add our calendar to yours to stay up to date with us!

competition criteria

Participants Criteria

  • Open to secondary schools registered in Malaysia 
  • Each team comprises 2-3 students 
  • Team members can be from different schools (from the same state) 
  • 17 years old and below 


Showcase your team’s project at the state-level Maker Fair. 

Your project must be one of the followings: 


Examples include Arduino and Raspberry Pi.



Examples include App Inventor and Android Studio.




Teachers’ & Parents’ involvement

We love that parents and teachers take the initiatives to help out with the projects, however, we would also like to remind parents and teachers to remember and allow the kids to own and manage their projects.

We understand that as adults, we tend to think that kids are not capable of many things but we can be wrong most times. Allow them to try and fail and try again. Come alongside to encourage, cheer them on and guide them with their projects. Constantly remind them (and yourself) that they own the project.


Not everything you have built came from your own idea and it doesn’t have to! We understand that innovation comes in the form of building and improving upon existing ideas. If you have referenced your project from a website or Youtube video, please make sure to mention them in your work.

Let’s show our respect to the hardwork done by the original authors by acknowledging and crediting them. To show your thanks, please include them through citation in your project presentation. Detailed Terms & Conditions can be found here.


  • Team will be disqualified if the project is not according to the Competition Challenge (see above).
  • Team will be disqualified if the project is not submitted using Submission Method (see above)
  • Team will be disqualified if members do not meet the Participants Criteria (see above)


The Top 15 teams nationwide will be selected to participate in the Sime Darby Young Innovators Challenge (SDYIC) National Camp & National Championship. Teams will have the opportunity to learn first-hand from industry experts and develop a plan to activate the STEM movement for their community with their teacher.



How well can the solution perform its task?

How innovative is the project?

How well do they understand the coding?

Is the solution practical for deployment in a real-world environment? 

Problem Statement
How well do they understand the problem?

How effective is the solution to solve the problem?

How significant is the impact of the solution? 


How well do they make you understand their solution?

What have they learned?

Regulatory Compliance
Does the project adhere to laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines?

STEM Aspiration
How inspiring and feasible is their and their teacher’s initiative to drive STEM learning within the classroom, school, or community?

 At the end of the camp, teams will pitch their project solutions and STEM aspiration plan to stand at winning amazing prizes. 

SDYIC NAtional Championship awards

The Top 3 winning teams will win seed money worth up to RM 10,000 for the implementation of their solutions and to activate the STEM movement within their own community!

The award of 'Best Presenter' will be awarded to the team with the best and most creative project pitch.

The award of 'Favourite Innovation' will be awarded to the team with voted most popular by the public.

Get the latest updates, events, and competition resources on our e-learning platform.